Monday, July 13, 2009

This is Spot's Review of Lawn Mowers
Lawn maintenance is an important thing for Cats and Dogs as well as Humans, so Spot felt the need to make his position clear on his choice of Lawn Mowers. Not only is Spot concerned about soft lush green grass, but he expresses his conerns over the environment and keeping his part of the Litter Box 'Green'. And a Nice Groomed Lawn helps keep down the Flea population, which is very important to Spot and his Friends.

Today, Spot reviewed the "Reel" Type Lawn Mower. Unlike Conventional Gas Guzzler, Smokin' Chokin' Noise Maker Lawn Mowers, Spot chose the "Vintage" version. The "Reel" type Mowers are commonly used on many Golf Courses. The Rotary Blades give the Golf Course the look as if the Greens were trimmed with scissors. These are large tow behind mower decks, but there are also smaller 16 inch and 18 inch push type versions Reel Mowers available at most all "Big Box" Home Improvement Warehouses, and Hardware Stores, IF you do not have a big yard. Most favorable comments have been from folks with a half acre Lawn or even less.

Unlike Conventional Gas Burners, a "Reel" type Mower has usually 3 to 7 rotary blades that roll in a North to South Direction. It's what gives that neat scissor-cut look to a lawn. Reel Mowers are light weight, Relatively easy for you navigate.

INEXPENSIVE to Operate: No Gas, No Oil, No Spark Plugs, No Hearing Protector Ear Muffs, No Gasoline Smell on your Clothing, No Projectiles thrown at your Neighbor. NO Oil or Gas SPILLS either! On the EPA site, The Pollutants from just ONE GASOLINE MOWER = 13 Automobiles being driven 340 miles each. wow ! So if you are thinking more about "Green" Lately, this may be an excellent move for you to make.

Just Quiet, Peaceful mowing. The BIG difference people notice is your lawn looks like it was hand-cut with a pair of scissors as compared to the broken off and chewed up edges on blades of grass still standing after the scalping of conventional often dull blade rotary mower.

The Reel Mower will require you a couple of mowings to get your grass right. If the grass is left to grow too tall, it will only flatten the grass and not do a proper job of mowing. But if you mow on a regular weekly basis as we do, you will soon have a yard worthy of praise from everyone on your street.

Clean up is a breeze with a Reel type mower, just spray the whole thing off with your garden hose. No Hot engine, so no problem. Just let it dry in the sun and then spray a coat of WD-Slick-Um on it and store till next time. They are also equipped with conviently sized handles so you can hang your Reel Type Mower on a hook on the garage wall, until next time. Most Reel mowers come with a 2-year or better warranty and require very little maintenance. I knew a Lady one time who kept a bandanna and a hand file in her hip pocket just for "fine dressing" the cutting blades.

Spot's Choice ! A Great Bargain for your Wallet AND a Great Bargain for the Planet !